So last night I was thinking
about how much I love my kids. This is something I often do when it’s 10:00 pm
and they’ve both been asleep for 3 hours and I’m lying on the couch watching Glee or The Bachelorette (I’m not proud) and drinking a big ole mug of herbal
tea. I love them ALL THE TIME, but it’s just soooo easy to bask in the truly
awesome glory of my love for them when they are both sound asleep and not
fighting over stupid stuff (“Mommy! William has my cup! That cup has my germs
on it! I want my germs baaaaaaack!”).
Now I know what you’re probably
thinking. You’re probably thinking, “Liar, liar, pants on fire, that was a big
ole mug of chardonnay you were drinking, not herbal tea.” And normally, you’d
be right. But I’ve largely given up alcohol lately. Not for any dire reason
like alcoholism, but because I absolutely, positively MUST MUST MUST kick my
own ass into losing some weight. And since fitting back into my whole entire
wardrobe doesn’t seem to be motivation enough, I’ve decided to use alcohol as
my incentive. For now, I’m giving it up. If—no, WHEN—I lose 5 pounds, I’ll have
a nice glass or two of something to celebrate, then start the process over
Well, talk about motivation! The Bachelorette is just NOT the same
without a teeny little wine buzz (OK, truth: The Bachelorette is just not that good without a teeny little wine
buzz). So to speed the process up, I’ve also tried to give up my favorite
crappy snacks and I’ve started (*gasp!*) exercising more.
Exercising more has not been as
easy as I hoped it would be. It turns out I wasn’t burning many calories
ambling along on a treadmill at the Y watching The View with no sound, so I turned to group exercise classes to
get my butt moving a bit faster. I started by trying Zumba, but found that I
looked like a chicken on ecstasy.
Then I tried a Boot Camp class. That was much better. I mean, I still flop
around a lot and I still find it’s better for my ego if I don’t look in the
mirror much while I’m doing it, but at least I can do most of the moves without
falling down. And, I sweat A LOT during Boot Camp class. I don’t mean that
oh-is-it-hot-in-here? kind of sweating. I mean an embarrassing,
kind of sweating. I figure that kind of sweating must equal about 9237598547
calories burned. Hooray!
As an added bonus, I’ve learned
a few things since I started my Boot Camp class:

The first thing I’ve learned is
who/what LMFAO and “I’m Sexy and I Know It” is. I had never heard that song
until I heard it in class, and now I know for sure that it is both the
absolutely dumbest AND catchiest song I’ve ever heard (sing it with me,
“Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah!”). I hate myself just a little
for loving that song.
The second thing I’ve learned from Boot Camp class is that there’s this Rihanna song about how “We found love in a hopeless place. We found love in a hoooooopeleessss plaaaaaaaaace” that will play on an endless loop in my head from the second I hear it at class on Tuesday morning until at least lunchtime on Friday. Just that one little part. Over and over and over and over again. I hate myself just a little for hating Rihanna because of it, but I do.
The third thing I’ve learned
from Boot Camp class is what “Mountain Climbers” are. Mountain Climbers are
what the Devil down in Hell does when he feels like he needs to lose a few
pounds. You put your hands on the floor, stick your butt in the air, and
alternate bringing your feet up to your hands over and over and over again. (Not
coincidentally, we mostly do this to that damn Rihanna song.) I suppose this is
something like climbing an actual mountain, but you can bet your sweet ass I’ve
never done that. Anyway, they’re unflattering, hard to do, and I don’t much
like doing them.
The fourth thing I’ve learned
from Boot Camp class is that I do, indeed, have triceps, even though I can’t
see them. I know they are there because every Wednesday morning I feel them
burning when I do strenuous activities like lifting a coffee cup or brushing my
teeth. Same with my quads. Can’t quite see them under their comfy padding, but
every Wednesday I find myself wincing as I gingerly lower myself into a chair
in the Y’s lobby to watch my son’s swimming lesson. People probably think I
have hemorrhoids or some other horrible personal problem, but, no, it’s just
Rihanna and her dastardly Mountain Climbers From Hell.
The final thing I’ve learned
from Boot Camp class is that if I ever had to go to any sort of ACTUAL boot
camp, like for the armed forces, I would probably not survive one day. I’m glad
there are young, tough, and strong men and women who are willing and able to
that and more so I can have the freedom to lie on the couch watching bad tv and
eating M&Ms. Er, I mean, rice cakes. And kale chips. NOT ice cream or handfuls
of Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits. Really. I swear.
Now will someone explain to me
why I’m not losing any weight?