You like me, you really like me!
Sally Field may have said it
best when she accepted her Oscar for her role in “Places in the Heart” in
1984.** And now, it’s my turn.
Because someone out there likes
In fact, TWO people out there
like me!

Well, as if that excitement
wasn’t enough, then I got this news: Dawn, the amazing baker from DJ’s Sugar Shack, has awarded me the
Versatile Blogger Award! Hot damn, I am on a ROLL! (Or maybe I should say I am
on a DONUT—check out this recipe from
Dawn’s blog--*drool*.)
Now here’s the thing. Each of
these awards comes with rules. You have to post facts about yourself, answer
questions, tag other bloggers who you find deserving of these awards, and ask
them new questions. Yikes. Between the two awards I would have to post 18
random facts about myself and tag 26 different blogs! You do NOT want to know
18 random facts about me, I promise. That would get us all into mundane details
like “I have a cat with Irritable Bowel Syndrome” and “Mushy bananas make me gag” and no one needs to know about that
stuff. So with many thanks AND apologies to the lovely ladies who nominated me,
I am going to split the difference and combine my responses to these two
awesome awards.
So, drumroll please, here are 9
random facts about me:
When I was 8 I got to play Bozo’s Buckets on the
Bozo Show (a tv show on WGN—anyone? Anyone?) and I totally bombed. I had to
throw a ping pong ball into buckets that were in a line in front of me, and I
missed the first one. The one that was practically touching my TOES. No one
misses that bucket. No one.
My first celebrity crush—at age 10 or so—was
Alan Alda. I watched old M*A*S*H episodes with my parents…what can I say? I
like funny guys, lucky for my husband.
I would pay good money (and have!) for a nice,
long, scalp massage. Heaven…
I always claim that chocolate is my favorite
food, but every time I eat bacon I think, “Hmmmm...maybe I was wrong.”
I once spent two weeks traveling in France by
myself and though I loved the experience, I hated traveling alone. I’m too shy
for it and I don’t really want to do it again.
Fingernails on a chalkboard don’t really bother
me, but you know that noise that a pencil makes when its eraser is almost gone
and you try to erase something anyway? That sound of metal scratching on paper?
I’m getting nauseous just writing about it.
I can’t not watch “The Bachelor” and “The
Bachelorette.” I know they’re crap TV, but I’m hooked. I’m already worried
about how I will see the finale when I’m on vacation.
As a kid, I read the “Little House on the
Prairie” series 7 or 8 times. I loved it and wanted to be Laura Ingalls, even
for one day. But I never, ever, ever watched the TV show. I knew it couldn’t be
as good as the books, and to this day I don’t know if it was.
When I was single, I used to watch “Bridget
Jones’s Diary” like once a week. It made me laugh and gave me hope. Also, Colin
Now, to introduce you to some of
my favorite blogs! Please go check them out when you get a chance—there is a
lot of creativity, humor, and inspiration in this list!
I know I missed some. My brain
is like Swiss Cheese since I had kids. So if you’re a blogger, or you know one
you love, feel free to leave a link in the comments so others can check it out!
**Oh yeah. Wikipedia informed me
here that that’s not exactly what Ms.
Fields said, but the sentiment is still the same.