Crazed In the Kitchen: About   


First, a warning: This is NOT a recipe blog!

Yes, it has "kitchen" in the title, but if you are here looking for cooking tips you will be gravely disappointed. Instead, this is a blog about a career "girl" (ahem) adjusting to life as a stay-at-home mom. I am relatively new to housewifery...which explains why I am so often crazed in the kitchen. I have two adorable (of course) boys and one equally adorable (well, maybe) husband. After 11 years of teaching elementary school, I am taking a break to stay home and "manage" our household. Mostly this means I zoom toy cars, load toy garbage trucks, and sneak onto facebook. I am learning to cook (slowly), clean (begrudgingly), and be a mom (imperfectly). Welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Later on, it won't be zooming cars or pruning the garden, it will be chasing after the kids with their new scooter bars and bikes and lunch left at the table.


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